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"Thank you for your dedicated cd to me Carsten. What a great sound you have. I'm really touched by your music and the mind behind it."

Keith Jarrett, 2023

Carsten Dahl

"Carsten is a spiritual brother in every sence I can come up with. We just hit it right away and even without saying a word to each other. What a time and what an imagination.On the piano, as a human being and as a creater of the real good stuff in this world. Looking forward to the next time we meet."

Eddie Gomez

"Artistic endeavors require the artist to honestly and thoroughly portray their existence from life's first breath to the moment of creativity; a celebration of individuality. This deep personal immediacy has the generous impact to touch and inspire the innermost regions of human emotion.

Carsten Dahl, with every hip note, every heart-felt brushstroke and every enlightened word of wisdom, welcomes an in-dept visit into his special world of expression.
Maestro Dahl always takes me on a glorious journey on and off the bandstand  Eternally grateful."

Tim Hagans 
Trumpetplayer and composer, 2022

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